ok.today i want to talk about fatty gurl like me...awESOMEEEEE.........
people around me said that i am getting fatter and FATTT...
sometimes i feel the pressure although i am not as fat as people i biggest LOSERR...ermmm
What to do???
i don't have right answer now..
but i am trying my best and taking the right diet...i kuat makan nasi sebab 2 badan cepat naik...aikkkksssssssssss...gambar-gambar kat atas semua gambar berangan konon jewk bawa kereta tapi bwu nak amek lesen nie...ngeeeeee~~~
Berbalik pada tajuk kita di atas...orang gemuk siapa cakap x boleh bergaya....ahakkkkkkkkkkssss
Ok..pada pandangan i, orang gemuk boleh bergaya tetapi dengan gaya yang sesuai dengan tubuh badan kita nie....
- pakaian tidak terlalu ketat...(bila ketat nak bernafas pon susah...orang sekeliling tengok pon x best kan2)
- tidak terlalu mengikut bentuk badan...(nanti nampak selulit-selulit)
- Yang paling penting..selesa dengan pakaian di tubuh kita..
hehehe....that's my opinion about how to dress....heheh..
me also not someone who are very stylist...but i am trying my best to handle pressure from the people around me.....Yes i am gemuk but i am very confident about myself
mane de gmk lah .okeyy je .:)